O município de São Paulo teve no passado períodos financeiros positivos, resultantes da vitalidade industrial e de recursos estaduais. Infelizmente o crescimento da população e a conseqüente demanda de infra-estrutura recente desequilibraram esta dinâmica, agravada pelas políticas fiscais federais e estaduais regressivas. Por outro lado, há experiências internacionais de sucesso na superação do estrangulamento financeiro. Na Grã Bretanha, o governo central com as municipalidades, estimula a recuperação urbana, como em Londres. Em Paris as cooperações entre o público e privado, viabiliza a recuperação urbana. Nos EUA, existe a revitalização de áreas portuárias e industriais decadentes, como em: Nova Iorque, Chicago, Pittsburg, São Francisco, Boston e Baltimore. O trabalho envolve a análise das experiências internacionais de sucesso na reparação financeira. Na seqüência é feita a criteriosa análise dos instrumentos existentes de arrecadação tributária, da concessão de parcerias público-privadas no município de São Paulo. Finalmente definem-se novas estratégias.

The city of São Paulo had in the past a positive financial period as a result of the industrial vitality and of State resources. Unfortunately, the population growth and the increase in the infrastructure demand had unbalanced this dynamics, already negatively influenced by regressive federal and state tax policies. On the other hand, there are several succeeded international experiences in the overcoming of the financial strangulation. In England, for example, the central government trough the municipalities stimulates the urban recuperation, as seen in London. In Paris, the cooperation between the private and public made possible the urban recovery. In U.S.A., the restoration of declining port and industrial areas was implemented in cities like: New York, Chicago, Pittsburg, San Francisco, Boston and Baltimore. This work involves the analysis of well-succeeded international experiences in the financial repairing. As a second step, a detailed analysis was proceeded focusing on the existing instruments of extra collection tax, and on the concession of public-private partnerships in the city of São Paulo. Finally new strategies for improving this process were defined. The proposal involves the intensification and application of new devices of collection of extra-tributaries resources through the onerous grant allowed by the Strategical Managing Plan and the Urban Operations, and, beyond that, the application of public private partnerships.