Rapid urbanisation and economic development in Malaysia since the late 1980s has resulted in a significant expansion of housing development in urban areas. The Malaysian housing sector has thrived owing to growing market and active supply-demand dynamics. However, the increase in housing price has aroused greater public concern about the future direction of the housing sector in this country. Cheap and low-quality houses have often been associated with affordable housing. Nevertheless, this may not be true if sustainability is taken into account. In dealing with sustainable housing affordability, the factors or criteria are necessary to be weighed-in in determining the best alternative or options available in any particular area. This research has been conducted in five urban areas in Klang Valley, Malaysia using COPRAS method (one of the MCDM methods). The method could be realized by giving weigh to individual factors. The findings indicate that area with high utility degree is the best area that conforms to the sustainable housing affordability factors. Likewise, an area with lower ranking in utility degree can be described as a worst-performing area in terms of conforming to sustainable housing affordability factors. The originality of this research has contributed to a new picture in sustainable housing affordability in the country because it is the first paper in Malaysia to address such issues using COPRAS framework.