Housing is a basic human need and considered as the most expensive item in the life of a certain group of people. The high cost of owning a housing unit will affect the level of affordability among public at large. This is because the unique criteria of properties and different environmental conditions at a certain location contribute to high house prices. This situation directly affects people placement mode either as a tenant or homeowner. In fact, every placement decision is always influenced by various factors such as properties itself and the current financial situation. This research aims to examine the extent to which these factors affect the placement decision toward the best residential properties. Putrajaya, the main administrative centre of the government of Malaysia, situated in a self-contained township on its own has been chosen as a case study. A group of respondents was interviewed to consider their decision on housing placement in the township. A total number of sub-factors were analyzed using a Chi-square test to establish the significant effect on residential placement. The study found that these preference factors played significant roles in influencing the placement decision of residential properties by the public in a township area).