Este artigo investiga os reflexos da metodologia POC (Percentual de Completude de Obra) nas empresas de capital aberto brasileiras no segmento de Real Estate durante o período de 2008 a 2018. A metodologia POC é amplamente utilizada para a contabilização de receitas em empreendimentos imobiliários, mas a sua aplicação pode gerar impactos significativos nos resultados financeiros das empresas. Por meio de uma análise exploratória, foram investigadas as influências e consequências da metodologia POC nas empresas de capital aberto brasileiras no segmento de Real Estate. Os resultados mostram que a aplicação da metodologia POC pode levar a distorções na contabilização de receitas, especialmente em empreendimentos de longo prazo. Além disso, a utilização inadequada da metodologia pode levar a impactos significativos na avaliação de desempenho das empresas, na análise de indicadores financeiros e na tomada de decisão dos investidores. A análise se mantém atual pela o ofício Curricular da CVM que manteve os padrões de contabilidade com as exigências de Performance e controles internos da Empresa.

How the Percentage of Completion (PoC) methodology in accounting for Real Estate companies influenced the market, the valuation and the sector analises

This article investigates the impacts of the POC (Percentage of Completion) methodology on Brazilian public companies in the Real Estate segment. The POC methodology is widely used for revenue recognition in real estate projects, but its application can generate significant impacts on companies' financial results. Through an exploratory analysis, the influences and consequences of the POC methodology on Brazilian public companies in the Real Estate segment were investigated. The results show that the application of the POC methodology can lead to distortions in revenue recognition, especially in long-term projects. Additionally, the improper use of the methodology can result in significant impacts on the evaluation of companies' performance, financial indicators analysis, and investors' decision-making. In summary, this article contributes to the debate about the use of the POC methodology in the Brazilian real estate sector and highlights the importance of a careful and critical analysis in its application by public companies. The analysis presented in the article remains relevant, even with the recent CVM Curriculum Office that maintained accounting standards with the requirements of company performance and internal controls. The CVM's guidelines and requirements provide a regulatory framework for companies to follow, but it is still crucial for them to analyze and understand the implications of the POC methodology on their financial results and decision-making processes. Therefore, a careful and critical analysis of the POC methodology's application is still necessary for companies to ensure transparency and accuracy in their financial reporting.