A partir de uma pesquisa iniciada no ano de 2005, foram obtidos valores de custo de implantação ou de venda de shopping centers em funcionamento, cujo modelo adotou como referência de preço os valores em reais por metro quadrado de ABL (Área Bruta Locável) dividido pelo valor do índice de custo da construção civil, correlacionado a nove variáveis (data, ABL, área construída, área do terreno, número de vagas, total de lojas, lojas âncora, classe social A e B e se o valor é de custo ou de venda).

From a research started in the year of 2005, were acquired data relating to implantation cost or sales of shopping centers in operation, either through reports in the press or public information, among others, and they were correctly tabulated for statistical analysis purposes, to a model that adopted as reference of price the value in reais for square meter of GLA (gross leasable area) divided by the value of the construction cost index (CUB), calculated by SINDUSCON / MG, correlated with nine variables (date, GLA, building area, land area, parking spots, stores, anchor stores, social class A and B), also if the value is cost or sale, with observation of the future marketing factor, as well other indicators, allowed us to analysis the behavior of the market during the study period.